...that get you right in the heart.
The sweetest tradition or may I call it "an act of love" is...
... love notes strewn around the house
....handwritten with the uttermost love and affection.
The Accountant learned this little trick from his father, who did this same ritual while The Accountant was a young lass.
It was the little things that mattered most in the Doherty home.
A small hug just for the heck of it, the quick shoulder rub just to let you know you were appreciated and the hand written note to tell you just how special you were.
You see...The Accountant's parents were raised during the depression era and have imparted their wisdom of "keeping it simple" to their children.
To me...these notes are my diamonds. Getting someone to put into words how much they love you is often more difficult than shopping...
...hummmm let me think of that one again. Which is more difficult for The Accountant????
those are so sweet!! much better than flowers. from the heart and that is WHAT IT'S ALL ABOUT!!
The Accountant got some serious brownie points!
Hi Janet, Found you from Cindy and Jayme. Notes are such fun to get!
He must be a great guy??!!
-The accountant
Aww, so sweet!!! And how cute is it that your hubby reads and comments on your blog?!!!
We've got to get the girls together for some cocktails...soon!!!
Hugs ~
:) T
Very sweet. My kids are really upset if I don't put messages in their lunch boxes on the day they go to their enrichment school. It is the little things.
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