Thursday, February 12, 2009


Happy Birthday Abraham Lincoln and Charles Darwin!!!! It’s your 200th Birthday!
February 12th is a very important day as it was the date that gave birth to two of the greatest free thinkers. Both of these men are credited for thinking beyond what was considered acceptable and brought to the table ideas that impact us still today.

I don’t want to go into their histories, but I do want to celebrate the fact that they took their own ideals and worked with them and studied them and eventually transformed them into something that today we are still discussing.

WE ARE EVOLVING. That is why it is so important to keep an open mind and study all the different ways to look at things. Let those thoughts evolve in your mind and become something great, something that might one day become the next great idea.

Ask yourself questions and search out the truth. Let your faith guide you in those thoughts. EVOLVE into something great.

1 comment:

the wild raspberry said...

I did a post on this day...with these two fellas....maybe even these two same pictures...
how funny.
{only I wasn't celebrating Darwin}